Monthly Subscriptions 2024/25 August to June. Monthly Playing Fee £20.00, Training Only Monthly Fee £10.00, Mini Dribblers Monthly Fee £15.00. Annual One off Fee £220.00 (Two Players from the same Family Pay, 3rd Goes Free)
MembershipMonthly Subscriptions 2024/25 August to June. Monthly Playing Fee £20.00, Training Only Monthly Fee £10.00, Mini Dribblers Monthly Fee £15.00. Annual One off Fee £220.00 (Two Players from the same Family Pay, 3rd Goes Free)
Subscriptions Start August 2024 and run until June 2025. If a Player starts part way through the year then Subscriptions can be set up then and will only run until June 2025. One off Annual Subscriptions can also be made for £220.00
Player Player 2024/25 Subscriptions
£20.00 per month from 1 August 2024
Training Only Player 2024/25 Subscription
£10.00 per month from 1 August 2024
Mini Dribblers 2024/25 Subscription
£15.00 per month from 1 August 2024
Annual Playing 1 Off Payment 2024/25 Subscription
£220.00 every 11 months from 1 August 2024
Annual Training Only 1 Off Payment 2024/25 Subscription
£110.00 every 11 months from 1 August 2024

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